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How to Renew Your Missouri MMJ Card

How to Renew Your MMJ Card in Missouri in Two Easy Steps

How to renew your Missouri medical marijuana cards?

Missouri MMJ patients must renew annually. In addition to your physician recertification, you will also need:

1. Updated proof of residency
2. $25.00 fee (to the DHSS when reapplying) for patient renewal
3. $100.00 fee (to the DHSS when reapplying) for cultivation license if you choose

Elevate’s Easy Discount Recertification Process

1. Go to elevate-holistics.

2. Click on the “Book Now” button at the top right corner.

3. Select “MISSOURI” and choose the renewal appointment option in the appointment drop-down menu.

4. Select the time and date that best works for you and follow the rest of the sign-up process to book the appointment. This will include the intake and health form, which must be completed prior to seeing the doctor.

Your appointment can be conducted from the convenience of your cell phone or at a local partner location.

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