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Washington DC Marijuana Laws

Is marijuana legal in Washington DC? Where can you buy it? And, better yet, where can you smoke it? Here are Washington DC marijuana laws.

Washington DC marijuana laws

So, is marijuana legal in Washington DC?
Let's find out.

Are you interested in learning more about medical marijuana laws in Washington D.C.? If so, you’ve come to the right place!

As current regulations make it increasingly difficult for patients and cannabis users alike to purchase their favorites products, understanding local laws can be a lifeline. In this guide, we’ll cover some of the key changes that have taken place involving medical marijuana use in Washington D.C., and how telehealth services are making accessing helpful treatments easier than ever.

To get started, here’s some basic information that provides an overview of marijuana possession and usage in the nation’s capital.

Legal Status
Medical Program

Possession Limits
Medical Patients: 40z
Recreational Users: 20z

State Taxes
Medical Patients: 5.75%
Recreational Users: 5.75%

Medical Patients: 6 Plants (Max 3 Mature)
Recreational Users: 6 Plants (Max 3 Mature) 

So, whether you want to know how to get a medical card in Washington D.C. or just want to smoke weed for pleasure while day-tripping around the capital, here you’ll find exactly what you need to ensure your D.C. cannabis experience is a good one. 

Washington D.C. Marijuana: Everything You Need to Know About Medical and Recreational Weed In The Nation’s Capital 

For anyone interested in consuming medical or recreational marijuana in Washington D.C., understanding cannabis legislation is key. The nation’s capital does permit the use of cannabis for medical and recreational use. But, is cannabis legal in Washington D.C. in the same way as states across the country that have enacted legal weed laws? 

Medical marijuana in Washington D.C. was initially passed in 1998. However, legalization was delayed and funds were eventually stripped from this early MMJ program. Medical marijuana legislation was re-enacted again in 2010, ultimately legalizing medical cannabis for Washington D.C. residents. 

Is marijuana legal in Washington D.C. for recreational use? 

Somewhat, yes. 

This Is What Recreational Marijuana in Washington D.C. Looks Like

So while rec weed in Washington D.C. is permitted, it’s different than most U.S. states that have enacted recreational marijuana laws. 

Rather than recreational marijuana in Washington D.C. being completely legal (such as in states like Colorado and California), possession of small amounts of weed (up to 2 oz) in Washington D.C. is considered legal. 

Hash in Washington D.C., on the other hand, is decidedly illegal and considered a Schedule II drug punishable by up to 180 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.  

Just because Washington D.C. recreational marijuana is “legal,” don’t expect to roll into the nation’s capital and hit up a local recreational dispensary for an eighth of your favorite flower. Recreational marijuana sales in Washington D.C. are currently illegal. 

So how do people in Washington D.C. acquire legal weed? 

Through places known as “gifting dispensaries.” In this legal grey area, customers can buy another item that comes with “free” weed. Gifting dispensaries continue to prosper throughout the city, but Washington D.C. possession limits remain somewhat restrictive. Get caught with anything over 2 oz and you can be charged with a misdemeanor, face up to 6 months in jail, and pay a $1,000 fine. 

And you’ll definitely want to refrain from consuming cannabis in public. While getting high at the Washington Monument or taking a few tokes before stepping into the Smithsonian Institution might sound tempting, public use of cannabis in Washington D.C. is illegal. 

Public use of marijuana in Washington D.C. is more of a slap on the wrist than anything serious, but it’s still illegal. If law enforcement catches you consuming cannabis pubically or simply holding a joint or packed pipe in Washington D.C. and you could face misdemeanor charges. 

With somewhat strange and restrictive recreational marijuana laws in the nation’s capital, residents who qualify for medical marijuanas in Washington D.C. typically find that having their MMJ card is the way to go when it comes to cannabis consumption. How exactly do you get a medical marijuana card in Washington D.C.? 

Let’s take a deeper look. 

Washington D.C. Medical Marijuana: How To Get A Medical Marijuana Card In Washington D.C.

Qualifying patients can legally purchase and consume medical cannabis in Washington D.C. 

What conditions qualify for a Washington D.C. medical marijuana card? 

All of them, really. 

Qualifying medical conditions is yet another area that’s different in Washington D.C. than other MMJ states. While there was a list of qualifying conditions when Washington D.C., first legalized cannabis, this list has become null and void. 

Wondering how you get a medical marijuana card in Washington D.C.? 

You talk to your doctor. The only qualification to get an MMJ card in Washington D.C. is for a physician to recommend it. Without a list of qualifying conditions, this basically means that anyone can qualify for a medical card if their doctor feels that marijuana might benefit them based on their symptoms and health conditions they’re experiencing. 

After a person receives the okay from their doc, the next step is to start the actual process of getting a Washington D.C. medical marijuana card. Patients can complete the application process online or through the mail. However, most people prefer doing it online as it’s much easier. Keep in mind that the Department of Health (DOH) doesn’t accept physician referrals older than 90 days. So, you’ll want to be quick about starting the process once a doctor approves you. 

Along with your physician’s approval, you’ll need a social security number (or sworn affidavit saying you don’t have one), a photo ID, and a government-issued I.D. If your I.D. isn’t a REAL I.D., you’ll need to provide proof of residency in Washington D.C. 

Application fees for Washington D.C. medical marijuana cards are $100, but low-income MMJ patients may qualify for a reduced fee of $25. D.C. MMJ cards are valid for two years from the issue date. 

What are Washington D.C. Medical Marijuana Laws Like? 

Legal medical marijuana in Washington D.C. allows MMJ cardholders to possess up to 8 oz of marijuana or marijuana products in a 30-day period. Those legally permitted medical marijuanas in Washington D.C. can possess up to 2 oz on their person at any given time. 

Legally permittable medical marijuana products in Washington D.C. include: 

    • Flower
    • Concentrates
    • Edibles
    • Transdermal patches

Just as with recreational marijuana in Washington D.C., medical patients cannot consume cannabis in public.

Can You Grow Weed In Washington D.C.? 

Wondering if it’s legal to grow weed in Washington D.C.? 

As a matter of fact, it is. 

Residents of Washington D.C. can cultivate cannabis, but there are some regulations that can make growing in Washington D.C. a bit tricky. 

If you’re a resident over the age of 21 in Washington D.C., you can legally grow up to six plants in your home. The catch? Only three of these plants can be in the flowering stage at one time. So marijuana is legal in Washington D.C. to grow, as long as you’ve got no more than three out of six plants that are mature. 

If there are two residents in one household over the age of 21, Washington D.C. marijuana laws permit up to 12 plants, six of which can be in the flowering stage. 

Also, if your residence is within 1,000 feet of a daycare, school (primary, secondary, colleges, and universities), public swimming pool, playground, arcade, youth center, public library, or public housing, you cannot grow weed. Keep in mind that if law enforcement catches you cultivating cannabis in this manner, they may double your penalties. 

Washington DC MMJ Caregiver Laws

So, does Washington DC allow caregivers for patients who need them? Yes! Washington D.C. marijuana law permits cannabis caregivers, with a couple of exceptions.  

Per Washington D.C. marijuana laws, a caregiver is defined as “a person designated by a qualifying medical cannabis patient as the person authorized to possess, obtain from a dispensary, dispense, and assist in the administration of medical cannabis.”

To qualify as a caregiver, an individual must be 18 years of age or older, registered as the patient’s caregiver, and only serve one patient at a time. Caregivers are only allowed to transport MMJ in a container or sealed package that contains the name of the dispensary where they bought it from. 

If you work at a medical marijuana dispensary or cultivation center in Washington D.C., then the state prohibits you to act as a cannabis caregiver.

With the legal status of cannabis across the U.S. constantly evolving, it can be confusing to keep up with weed rules. At Elevate Holistics, we want to make understanding Washington D.C. marijuana laws as easy as possible. 

Discovering that marijuana is legal in Washington D.C. is definitely something to celebrate. 

For residents that want to possess more than a couple ounces at a time, though, acquiring a medical marijuana card in Washington D.C. might be best way to go. Seeing that any condition qualifies as long as a physician thinks medical marijuana might help, getting your medical card in Washington D.C. has never been easier. 

Our mission at Elevate Holistics is to provide patients with the safest and most helpful path when embarking on their medical cannabis journey. We believe that people should have the freedom and opportunity to give their body the natural medicine it deserves. 

This is why we’re committed to helping people with safe access to cannabis physicians and the technology necessary to step into a more natural way of living. We invite you to contact us today to see how we can help you move forward on the path to personal freedom. 

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