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Canna-consumers often focus on cannabinoids (like THC and CBD) and cannabis terpenes when talking about marijuana. However, flavonoids are another essential cannabis compound. Cannabis flavonoids affect aroma, flavor, and color, while also providing healing benefits. Studies show that certain flavonoids are about 30 times more effective at relieving inflammation than Aspirin.

The significance of flavonoids partly comes back to the entourage effect, which is produced by the synergistic interaction of cannabinoids, cannabis terpenes, flavonoids, and other compounds naturally found in the cannabis plant. The entourage effect means that consumers might experience increased therapeutic benefits when combining compounds of the whole plant rather than isolating them, although flavonoids can still be beneficial on their own.

So what are flavonoids and why are they important? Here, Elevate Holistics will go over what flavonoids are, flavonoid benefits, where you can find them, and the most abundant flavonoids out there. First of all, what are flavonoids and what can you find them in?

What are Flavonoids?

Flavonoids are a diverse group of plant chemicals with over 6,000 varieties. You’ll find flavonoids in most vegetables, fruits, cannabis, and other plant species. Flavonoids are one of the compounds responsible for the vivid colors in fruits, vegetables, and flowers. In plants, flavonoids attract pollinating insects (bees and butterflies), combat environmental stresses, and regulate cell growth. 

But what are flavonoids good for when consumed by humans? Flavonoids are antioxidant-rich, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic. Researchers have found that flavonoid benefits are associated with longevity, improving vascular function in those with diabetes, and cancer prevention.

Flavonoids are part of the polyphenol class of plant chemicals. These are compounds that people have used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Consumers often turn to polyphenols for skin protection, brain function, blood sugar, and blood pressure regulation.

A few flavonoid-rich foods are strawberries, kale, tea, grapes, onions, chocolate, and even red wine. Consumers should note that how you cook or store foods can affect the portion of flavonoids they contain. A fruit or vegetable is losing flavonoids if it is losing vivid color.

Cannabis Flavonoids

The incredible, healing components of cannabis seem to be endless. Flavonoid research in cannabis is highly understudied compared to the plant’s other compounds, but research continues to prove that all parts of the plant serve a purpose. It is estimated that up to 10% of the marijuana plant compounds are flavonoids.

Just like they affect other flowers, cannabis flavonoids affect the pigmentation of cannabis. (So you can thank flavonoid Anthocyanin for the pretty purple weed.) In combination with cannabis terpenes, flavonoids also help provide the aroma and flavor of cannabis.

The flavonoids that are unique to weed are known as cannaflavins. Researchers have identified more than 20 in the cannabis plant alone. Like most cannabis compounds, marijuana flavonoids will not get you high, but they are pharmacologically active with therapeutic benefits.

Flavonoid Benefits in Weed

Just like flavonoids found in foods, cannaflavins act as anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, and antibacterials. Flavonoids cannabis can lower the risk of neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular disease, and even cancer. Particularly when combined with other cannabis compounds, cannaflavins can help in the treatment of pain, like migraines and headaches. 

Affirming the entourage effect, flavonoids will help optimize any benefits and healing properties that other compounds (like cannabinoids) might have. Due to different weed strains containing a different ratio of compounds – or lack of certain compounds – medicinal benefits and psychoactive effects will differ from strain to strain. 

How to Consume Cannabis to Get the Most Flavonoids

Working with the body’s endocannabinoid system, full-spectrum cannabis products will produce the best therapeutic results. Ideally, these products contain an identical ratio of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids from the original plant source material, while removing what’s unnecessary. 

Full-spectrum cannabis products often come in the form of tinctures or extracts. But just because full-spectrum products cover all the bases, it doesn’t mean that you can’t find great flower or edibles with flavonoid benefits. The best way to find the consumption method that works best for you is to do your research and experiment. Sounds fun, huh? Be sure to get your MMJ card so that you have access to the best quality cannabis products. 

Prominent Flavonoids and Their Benefits

The flavonoids cannabis that are exclusive to weed are Cannflavin A, B, and C. Other than that, cannabis shares the same flavonoids as other plants. Thousands of flavonoids exist – here are some of nature’s most abundant flavonoids. 

Explore Cannabis with Elevate Holistics

Flavonoids cannabis, cannabis terpenes, cannabinoids – new discoveries are constant when it comes to marijuana. So, don’t you want to stay informed? With Elevate Holistics, you’ll always know the latest weed news. Visit our blog for more about all things marijuana.

To really explore the cannabis world and reap its benefits, diving into cannabis products is a must. If you want to find out what cannabis and all of its compounds can do for you, it’s time to get your medical marijuana card. That’s where Elevate Holistics comes in. Our process to get legal is 100% online, quick, and hassle-free.

We’ll connect you with a certified cannabis physician over video chat to get your MMJ card approval. Book an appointment with Elevate Holistics to get your medical marijuana card today. It’s never too late to start getting the help you deserve, naturally.

Get Your MMJ Card Right From Home

Elevate Holistics’ process is quick, affordable, and done entirely online. It’s never been so easy.

About the author

Ally Hilbert is the Content and SEO Manager here at Elevate Holistics, working to publish and run Elevate’s blogs and landing pages, as well as conduct keyword research, competitor analysis, and more. After having brain surgery at the age of 17, Ally became fascinated with medical cannabis and its benefits, and, at 18, had her first CBD-related piece published. Today, she’s been writing about cannabis for the past six years, and simply can’t think of a better company to get to do it for. When she’s not writing or editing, Ally’s side-by-side with her pup Sadie in Seattle.
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